Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Chris Brown - Loyal

Let's talk music! So I'm going through the day and whatnot and Pandora starts to play Chris Brown's Loyal which features Lil Wayne and Tyga and I realized how much I really like the song.......I mean really like the song. My best friend is a die hard CB fan and I'm a Drake fan, so you know how that goes sometimes...lol. So I'm not admitting to her how good I think CB did with the song. I think it's catchy and I enjoy listening to it. The song speaks volumes about some not so loyal girls that I'm sure a lot of guys have encountered from time to time. Anybody have a similar situation to their significant other or crush gone wrong? Pleasant Notice wants to hear all about it! Comment below or email PN at pleasantnotice@gmail.com

Also, am I the only one who likes the song? What do you guys think of CB's hit?