Long time no see my Pleasant Notice readers! I hope all is well in your lives and now it's time to pick up where we left off!! For me, things have been extremely busy and I'm getting over a situation that for a moment, kind of devastated me. But from the help of close friends, loved ones, and my own self esteem kicking in, I'm slowly but surely picking up the pieces and moving on. Want to know what hurt the most about it all? I felt like such a failure. I felt like I failed not only myself but also kind of embarrassed altogether. Was this really happening ? And if so, how and why to me of all people? I soon enough realized the only thing that mattered at that point, which was I tried my best, and I only came up short. It's not the end of the world and it's not the end of me. That moment doesn't define who I am and what I have to offer. AND THAT'S LIFE. I'm not going to be perfect at everything I do. I'm going to make mistakes......a lot of them......and that's okay. Life has a funny way of teaching you lessons you will need later on in years to come and whether they be good or bad, don't let it overpower you and steal your joy. Some days won't be your best days but they aren't your only days. You have experiences, not regrets. You learn, you grow, and you move on.
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