Good afternoon Pleasant Notice readers! I hope everyone had a very blessed Thanksgiving because I certainly did. It felt great to be back home and spend special time with my loved ones I haven't seen

in a while. Good food and good people are one of my favorite combinations and I couldn't ask for a better day. With the holiday season kicking in, there is so much to do in so little time! Can you guys believe we are in the very last month of the year? Right now is a crazy time for me because I have finals next week so it is definitely crunch time. I'm trying my hardest not to stress and to finish the semester off strong. I have a lot of other things going on but I know I can do it! Positive energy and positive vibes!
I'm so proud of the growth of Pleasant Notice and I'm eager to see what's in store. I'm not going to keep making promises about doing this or that with the blog because I know how things get so I will just let my actions speak.
So with this being the last month of the year, what is something you want to do before New Years? We should all go out with a bang and focus our time and energy on getting things done.
Lets reflect on how far we have come and what we have to look forward to. Comment below, email Pleasant Notice at Like PN on Facebook and Follow PN on Twitter @pleasantnotice_
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