It has been entirely too long my Pleasant Notice readers and my apologies for the lack of posts! But
all is well and it's time to pick up where we left off. In a couple of weeks, my semester classes will start and I'm certainly ready to embrace everything heading my way. I have a lot to look forward to and right now, I'm happy where I am. For a moment, it seemed like everything and everyone was passing me by, and I felt so lost and out of place. I kept wondering why certain things weren't going my way, instead of appreciating all the things I did have going for me. And that's something I'm learning to do day by day. You will never be happy constantly comparing your lives to others and what they have. All the doors that kept shutting in my face felt permanent and I was wrong. Very wrong. Like the saying goes, "
When one door closes, another one opens." I most definitely am a witness to that. I've realized that what's meant for you is meant for you, and that some things that you really wanted you don't get because there is something far more amazing waiting on you. I've heard so many no's in these past couple of months and it seemed I would never hear another yes. I got so discouraged to the point where I really wanted to give up. But I couldn't. I made it too far to give up and throw away years of hard work and dedication. And I'm thrilled to say that a couple of weeks ago, I finally received the yes I'd been searching for. A door finally opened for me to walk through and conquer. Now, I see what I had been doing wrong that entire time. You can't sit in your misery and let that keep you down. You have to get back up and try again and again and again. Be thankful for everything going right in your life and everything that isn't going right, take it as a lesson and learn from it. You have to be willing to go through the storm for a brighter day.......patience is key.
That was really inspirational. Just what I needed to stumble upon